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Can You Get Paid To Homeschool Your Children In Pennsylvania? Home Education 101


Many parents are concerned about the deteriorating quality of education in the US and wonder, “Can you get paid to homeschool your children in Pennsylvania?” 

Homeschooling has become a popular choice for many people, and you could consider it for your kids. It’s a great way to ensure proper understanding and manage what content your kids get exposed to. 

It is a big responsibility, and there are a lot of things that go into it. Here is more information on the topic, along with all the legal guidelines you need to get past;

Can You Get Paid To Homeschool Your Children In Pennsylvania?

No, Pennsylvania gives no direct financial aid to homeschooled students or their parents. You might get the funds through other programs like Education Savings Account programs, which provide educational finance support. 

Depending on how you file your taxes, homeschooling could also get your tax refunds or credits, which will indirectly fund your child’s home education. 

How To Legally Homeschool Your Children In Pennsylvania 

Education is mandatory in the United States and Pennsylvania, so you must provide proper education if you pull your children out of school. 

To do this, you must know the correct procedure to follow to get approval to homeschool your children.

The State has to protect the child’s interests so they have measures to make sure home schooling will be a success. Here is a complete guide on how you can homeschool your child;

1. Officially withdraw the child from public school

You cannot just stop taking your child to school one day and start teaching them at home without giving notice to the school district. 

If your child was initially going to a public school, you need to officially have them removed from the relevant school district. 

Each district has different procedures and policies, so you should contact the school or district office to learn everything about the process. If you don’t do this, your child will be noted as truant from school, and you might get into legal trouble for negligence.

Remember you must submit your objectives and affidavit to a judge before the school declares your child truant, usually if they miss three consecutive school days. So, prepare all the paperwork before starting the process to avoid legal trouble.

2. Present your Education Objectives Home Educator Affidavit to the School District

You must present the education objectives and home educator affidavit to the district to show you know what you are doing. You must do this before the child turns six or as soon as you initiate the transfer process.

This step is necessary to test the parents and ensure they can adequately educate their child into a competent member of society. The Department of Education will give you an affidavit to fill out, which won’t take too long.

If your child previously attended a public school, then they will have an active IEP. In this case, you must get approval for your objectives from your school district before transitioning. You must visit a notary after filling out the affidavit and outlining objectives.

You can google to get a local notary, but you must pay a small fee for their services. Some banks give this service free if you have an account, so check with your local branch.

Mail or hand deliver the documents to the District Office. If you hand deliver the documents, don’t leave the office before you get a receipt or acknowledgment that they have received your child’s paperwork.

If you send it through the mail, keep a copy of everything, including the green return receipt and certified mail receipt. If you must pull the kid out of school, you can submit the documents anytime during the school year. 

3. It is time to put in homeschooling hours

You should start logging academic activities like reading time, trips, and academics that will add up your child’s required school hours. You need to get 900 hours yearly for elementary school students and 990 hours for older ones.

Record every book your kid reads and library logs for books they borrow or receipts for the ones you buy. All of these will count in the school hours dictated by the State. Things like trips to Museums, family vacations, nature walks, and others will add to the portfolio.

Documenting these aspects is vital to help you prove that your child is adequately educated and you are fit to continue doing the job.

4. Prepare the student’s portfolio 

Pennsylvania requires that all homeschoolers present a portfolio that documents their education to a state evaluator. There are many certified state evaluators, and you can run a Google search for the best one near you.

An evaluator will charge a small fee to review the portfolio and provide documentation confirming your education meets the state requirements. 

You must submit this document to the District Office to be allowed to continue homeschooling your children.

Think of this as a scrapbook of everything you taught your children over the school year. Save their art, quizzes, test scores, curriculums, trip photos, and anything relevant to their education.

Doing this weekly or bi-weekly is best so you don’t get overwhelmed. You must also include a fire safety sheet each year in the portfolio so the State can ensure the child has a safe learning environment. 

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What Are The Advantages Of Homeschooling Your Children?

Homeschooling is increasing in popularity because it offers many benefits that make it a better choice than public school. 

The home is the first place a child learns, and the parents teach them everything at the beginning. So why should you keep your kids at home?

1. It offers more one-on-one connections 

The 1st and most convincing advantage of homeschooling is that it ensures the students get undivided attention from the educator. 

Individual attention allows the teacher and student to understand each other better, making learning easier for the student.

This isn’t possible in traditional classrooms since teachers must simultaneously deal with several hundred students in different classes. 

Homeschooling is an open space where children can learn, ask questions, get comprehensive explanations, and grow faster.

2. It gets rid of unwarranted competition 

Traditional schools focus on performance by ranking students, which puts much pressure on the learners. It can grow into a harmful competition that can lead to bullying, sabotage, and a negative attitude toward learning, which is terrible for the children’s mental health.

Homeschooling eliminates this negativity and allows the learner to focus on the content rather than the grades. This way, they develop in-depth knowledge of the various topics and a passion for learning.

They can also develop healthier relationships with their peers since there is no need for competition between them.

3. It offers parents control over what their children learn

Homeschooling is the perfect way to teach your children how to think rather than tell them what to think. Parents are free to teach their children, so there’s no more dissatisfaction with the school system.

Parents will also determine what topics their children are exposed to, and this helps educators focus more on subjects that the child is failing in. With homeschooling, the lessons and programs are tailored to a parent’s vision for their child.

4. It offers a more flexible schedule 

With a public school, you have to work with their schedule. You must wake up early to prepare your kids for school, drive them there, or get them to the bus. Depending on their after-school activities, you have to get them in the evening at a specific time.

It can be hectic, and most people have difficulty keeping up, so they homeschool. Homeschooling allows you to create the perfect schedule for your work and family life so you don’t have to strain to educate your kids.

You can choose to educate your child in the afternoon or evening if you are busy in the morning and vice versa. You can go on a family holiday for a few days and cover the lessons the following weekend; everything is up to you. 

5. Homeschooling is safer for the child

Homeschooling reduces risk for your child in so many areas. There’s no risk of an accident while they go to school; you don’t have to worry about kidnappers, pedophiles, thieves, or school shooters if you are homeschooling your kids.

You can rest easy knowing they spend their time in the safety of your home. Public schools are also notorious for bullying, and you can protect your child from this by homeschooling. It will be good for their physical and mental health.


That is all you need on the question, “Can you get paid to homeschool your children in Pennsylvania?” Homeschooling is becoming a popular choice for parents in the United States, and it could be a fantastic fit for your children.

It offers an excellent environment where there are direct exchanges between educators and learners, which gives better results. It is a long process to legally start homeschooling, but it will be worth the effort for your children. 

Steven Wheat
Steven Wheat
Steven Wheat is a dedicated news blogger known for his incisive commentary and thorough analysis of current events. With a background in journalism and a pulse on global affairs, Steven brings a critical eye to the news, offering readers not just information but deeper understanding. His blog has become a trusted space for those seeking clarity and perspective on today's complex issues. Outside of his writing, Steven is committed to media literacy and enjoys mentoring aspiring journalists. His work reflects a commitment to truth, integrity, and the importance of informed public discourse.

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